The Psi Agora is an online space opened on the 5th of each month (11am ET) for members of the PA to gather for conversation around a selection of "table" topics. The objective is to replicate, in a virtual platform, some of the social dynamics that happen at conventions or other consciousness-related gatherings, which have helped to nourish innovation and develop international projects. Furthermore, it's an excellent opportunity to learn about what's being researched by your colleagues.
If you are a PA member and would like to host a table at the Psi Agora FILL THIS FORM |
The event is free for members, and hosted in Airmeet, check out this guide for participants. Airmeet works on most modern web browsers, but it is best experienced on a desktop or laptop using a Chrome web browser. If you are not a PA member yet, learn more about each category and the corresponding membership fees here.
Tables hold a maximum of 15 people per topic, so arrive early! Additional tables are also made available for general discussion. For this project to become a platform for innovation and discovery, your participation and feedback is needed, so don't hesitate to reach out to the PA Office.
Coming Next - Confirmed Table Hosts Table Host | Table Topic | Member | Month |
Yana Greenberg | Past Life Regression: Resolution of Physical and Mental Challenges | Associate | February '24 |
Tabatha Smith | Entangled Lovers & Bonded Pairs: Examining the Parapsychology of Connection | PA Student Committee | February '24 |
Diane Hennacy Powell | The Telepathy Tapes | Professional | March '24 |
Member testimonials:
"It's great to have an alternative to long webinars which are fine, but can be too one-way."
"I liked the ability to chat less formally with colleagues about psi topics."
"What I loved is meeting people interested in the same things I am, from all over the world."
See the list of hosts and topics discussed so far here, and review the articles below for details on the next Psi Agora:
- Nina Carrubba - Exploring Altered States: The Daydream-Synchronicity Connection
- Mark Boccuzzi - The Human Participant Protection Program AI (HP3)
- Tabatha Smith - Echoes of the Unknown: Best Practices in Haunting Field Investigations
- Michael Nahm - UAP and Psi Phenomena: What Do They Have in Common?
- Eli Fennell - Mana: The “Star Power” of Celebrity
- Tabatha Smith - The Thinning Veil Between Worlds: Ghostly Encounters, Mediumship, and the Theories that Surround Them
- Javier Martínez - Does Consciousness Imply Psi?
- Nina Carrubba - What a Remarkable Coincidence! Synchronicities and Other Mind-Matter Interactions
- Aritzai Aldrete - How Do Emotions and Psi Interact?
- Tabatha Smith - Personality Variables and Their Impact on Psi Phenomena
- Ramsés D'León - PA Convention '24: Your Questions Answered
- Eli Fennell - What Parapsychology Knows About Magick
- Óscar Iborra - Asunciones Teóricas y Límites de los Modelos Clásicos de Investigación Psi
- Tabatha Smith - PA Students Summer Social
- Isela Madriz - RSPK y su Relación con los Trastornos Sistémicos del Agente
- Tabatha Smith - Multicultural Competencies in Parapsychological Research
- Ramsés D'León - PA Convention '24: Your Questions Answered
- Tabatha Smith - Parapsychology and Art as a Resource for Research and Understanding
- John McDonough - Can Physics Explain Psi Events?
- Helané Wahbeh - Exploring the Usefulness of Information Received from Trance Channeling
- James McClenon - Sociology of Anomalous Experience
- Tabatha Smith - Psi Phenomena & rTMS: Exploring the Mind-Matter Interface
- Ramsés D'León - Software Development in Psi Research
- Tabatha Smith & Omar Singleton - Psychedelics in Parapsychology
- Annalisa Ventola - UAP & Psi Interrelations 201
- Tabatha Smith & Nina Carrubba - Synchronicity & Wuwei
- Michael Daw - Precognition is a Wild Idea! But What Actually Is It? And What Does It Mean for Us?
- Tabatha Smith & Nina Carrubba - Quantum Theories and Psi
- Everton de Oliveira Maraldi - Non-ordinary Experiences, Mental Health and Well-being PA President
- Tabatha Smith & Nina Carrubba - Unveiling the Mysteries: Psi in the Wild vs Psi in the Lab
- Russell Gruber - A Better Forced-Choice Psi Task Supporting
- Tabatha Smith & Nina Carrubba - Parapsychology: Bridging to the Mainstream
- Ramsés D'León - Interactive Psi: Designing Events that Allow Psi-Based Interactions
- Helané Wahbeh - Chat with the President
- Nina Carrubba - Haunted Locations, Ley Lines, and The Human Connection
- Helané Wahbeh - Chat with the President
- Tabatha Smith - Taboo Topics in Parapsychology
- Helané Wahbeh - Chat with the President
- Erika Pratte - Why is Paranormal Investigating more Attractive than Parapsychology?
- Nina Carrubba - Preferred Qualitative Methods in Parapsychological Research
- Julia Mossbridge - Supporting Diverse Voices in Psi Research Professional
- Damon Abraham - The Significance of the Out-of-Body Experience Professional
- Stephanie Witechowsky & Nina Carrubba - Student Open Discussion Student & Student
- Mark Boccuzzi & Eli Fennell - AI and Psi Round Table Professional & Student
- Nina Carrubba & Tabatha Smith - Students of the PA
- Ramsés D'León - Websites & Social Media Sharing
- James Houran - Supporting Student and Citizen Science Research
- Craig Weiler - Marketing Psi Research to the General Public
- Stephanie Witechowsky - Students of the PA: Advancement in the Field
- Helané Wahbeh - The Ganzfeld Protocol
- Courtney Brown - Modern Remote-Viewing Research
- Nina Carrubba - PA Students
- Jerry Solfvin & Bryan Williams - On Spontaneous Cases of the RSPK-Type
- Ramsés D'León - The Ghosts of Parapsychology Past, Present & Future
- Tabatha Smith - Student Discussion
- Angela Smith - Is an Out-Of-the-Body Experience (OBE) an “Inny” or an “Outy”?
- Walter von Lucadou - Fifty Years of Searching for the Holy Grail: A Theory-driven Experimental Program and its Results
- Yuan Jin - Brainstorm: How to Get More Students Involved?
- Shannon Taggart - SÉANCE: Spiritualism, Photography, and the Search for Ectoplasm
- Debra Katz - Including Participant's Internalized Experiences in Psi Experiments
- Howard Eisenberg - Scientific, Logical, & Experiential Proof of God & How Reality Works?
- James G. Matlock - Reincarnation Research: Where We Are and Where We’re Going
- Pamela R. Heath - Ghosthunter Outreach: How to Expand the Reach of Parapsychological Findings and Reinvigorate Spontaneous Case Research
- Ramsés D'León - The Simulation Hypothesis: Post-Symposium Discussion and Psi Informational Theories
- Nancy Zingrone - In Honor of the Legacy of Carlos S. Alvarado: Mentoring Students, New Researchers, and Each Other
- Pascal Michael - Turn On, Tune In, Get Weird: Toward a Para-Psychedelic Renaissance
- Elizabeth Raver & Dr. Jane Bissler - Grief Relief through Continuing Bonds
- Annalisa Ventola - Psi Conducive States, Traits, and Conditions
- Eli Fennell - Towards an Evolutionary Parapsychology
- Ramsés D'León - Physical Mediumship
- Stanley Krippner - Apports Research in Brazil and Elsewhere
- Gerhard Mayer - Sleep Paralysis and Extraordinary Experiences
- Cindy Little - Ethical Research Practices
- Helané Wahbeh - Fostering Diversity in Parapsychology
- James Houran & Brian Laythe - The Power of Adversarial Research Collaborations
- Chantal Toporow & Roger Nelson - SSE-PA Breakthrough 2022: New Ideas in Research and Theory
- Morgan Knudsen - Bridging the Gap: Parapsychology and the Media
- Mark Boccuzzi - In Defense of Parapsychology
- James McClenon - Online Group PK Experiments with Pin Wheels
- Göran Brusewitz - Healing, Biofield, and the Aura
- Margaret Moga - Kundalini as Psi
- Bryan Williams / Tamra Temple - Animal Psi
- Óscar Iborra - Sobre la Naturaleza del Psi
- Caroline Watt - Parapsychological Pioneers
- Roger Nelson - Field REG Research Protocols
- Debra Lynne Katz - Psi: Innate or Learned?
- Douglas Richards - Psi, Spirits, or Both: Expanding the Inquiry
- Christopher Senn - Psi Training and Development
- Mark Maluga - Clinical Parapsychology: Parameters, Categories and Discussion
- Jacob Glazier - Critical Parapsychology
- Carol Geiler - Promoting Parapsychology For Psi Practitioners
- Ramses D'Leon - Where are the Students?
- Julia Mossbridge - Psi-based Self-care
- Gerhard Mayer - Practicing Magic
- Eric Ouellet - UFOs and Parapsychology
- Craig Weiler - Dealing With Skeptics
- Annalisa Ventola - Applying Psi to Climate Change
- Everton de Oliveira Maraldi - Spirituality and Psi
- Michael Daw - Psi Olympics?
- Aidan de la Rocha - Pharmacology and Psi
- John Kruth - SSE-PA Connections 2021
- Helané Wahbeh - Fostering PA's Future
- Vernon Neppe - Understanding Reality and TDVP
- Damon Abraham - Psi Applications in Tech
- Mateus Martinez - Mediumship in Children
- George Williams - Is Consciousness Fundamental?
- Sally Drucker - Children's Psi
- Paul Smith - How likely is it that we live in a simulation?
- Michael Nahm - Unusual Phenomena Near Death
- Eric Dullin - Macro-PK
- Marissa Jakob - Mind-Matter Theories
- Christine Simmonds-Moore - Synesthesia
- Diane Powell - Autistic Savants
- John Kruth - The Human Biofield
- Peter Bancel - Goal-Oriented Psi
- Renaud Evrard - Public Understanding of Parapsychology
- Pascal Michael - Near Death Experiences