
2024 Provisional Program

66th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association August 22-25, 2024 NH Collection Hotel, Mérida, México Program Chair: Dr. Erika Annabelle Pratte Arrangements Chair:  Ramsés D'León Local Host : Unit of ... More

2024 JB Rhine Speaker & Banquet Menu

JB Rhine Banquet Speaker PhD Nuria Ciofalo Indigenous Psychologies from Cem Anahuac (Mesoamerica)   Summary: Indigenous psychologies are informed by their cosmovisions, philosophies, religions, spiritual traditions, and onto-epistemologies. This ... More

2024 Post-Convention Beach Trip to Celestún

Location - Poseidon Restaurant Join us for an unforgettable beach trip to Celestún , a unique gathering that caps off the 66th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association . This event offers a chance to relax and soak in the stunning ... More
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