The Parapsychological Association received a generous donation from Joanna Morris in a memorial of her late husband Robert L. Morris, who held the Koestler Chair of Parapsychology from 1985 to 2004. The PA Board of Directors considered how best to use this donation and believed that Bob Morris would have most liked for the funds to be used to encourage student participation in the PA. It was thus decided to earmark the funds for a new program to be called the Robert L Morris Student Travel Grant Program.
Applicants for this grant must be student member of the PA in good standing and participate in the PA Annual Convention in some form (accepted paper, panel presentations, etc.). Student members who have recently graduated are still eligible provided that they graduated within 12 months of the convention for which they are applying for a grant, and that their convention submission relates to work completed while they were a student. A student may receive funding once in his or her career. The maximum total amount to be awarded will be decided by the Board each year.
Students can apply for the Robert L. Morris Travel Grant by downloading and completing the application, which is for PA Student Members only. The application should be included with their convention submission and sent to the Program Chair.
Robert L. Morris Student Travel Fund Application Form