The Parapsychological Association(PA) Book Award recognizes books in the field of parapsychology that make significant contributions to science and to the cultural conversation about the implications of parapsychology. New (no more than two years in print) and in-press books published in English, French, German, Spanish or Portuguese (including translations) are eligible for the award. Notable works in other languages may also be considered, given the availability of appropriate committee members to evaluate them.
Submissions for the award will be accepted from authors and publishers. The annual deadline is March 31st for recognition at the PA’s annual convention, but the committee accepts submissions year round. To submit a book for consideration, send a cover letter and PDF file to awards@parapsych.org. Please also send three paper copies, if available, to the Parapsychological Association, P.O. Box 14884, Columbus, OH 43214, USA.
The PA Book Award committee will also accept nominations from PA members. Nominators should write one or two paragraphs about the merits of the book and the background of the author and send it to awards@parapsych.org. When a book is nominated by a PA member, the review committee chair may contact authors/publishers to request copies of the book for consideration and evaluation.
PA Book Award winners will be invited to display a seal of the award on their book jackets and in all marketing materials. They will be recognized at the annual PA convention, and will receive a medal of the award seal.