2018 Student Travel Fund Awardees: Chetak Nangare & Debra Lynne Katz
Published by
Parapsychological Association
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Parapsychological Association is pleased to announce two awardees of this year's Robert L. Morris Student Travel Fund grant: Debra Katz and Chetak Nangare.

Chetak Nangare collaborates with the center of Exceptional Experiences and Consciousness Studies (EECS) within the University of Northampton to work on a PhD that will produce a systematic review of the Buddhist Pali canon of the Theravada tradition, focusing on accounts of parapsychological phenomena with the intention of synthesising this material and making a systematic comparison with Western accounts of such phenomena found in the academic parapsychological literature. This valuable work — which includes interview and experimental elements as well as a deep engagement with literature — is intended to bring together Western and Eastern approaches to the study of psychology. At the PA convention, he will be presenting the outcome of the interviews conducted across India with 15 Vipassana meditation practitioners about their understanding of Iddhi (Psychic Powers) and Abhiññā (Higher Knowledges). The poster will also inform the analysis procedure and future implications of his research - justifying 'merit' as the base of developing psychic powers.
Debra Lynne Katz has been conducting research in the area of remote viewing and associative remote viewing for a number of years and is a two time co-recipient of the IRVA/IRIS Warcollier Award and most recently a co-recipient of the PA's PARE award. She is currently completing her Ph.D in Psychology at the University of West Georgia, with a research focus on intuitive development. Debra will be presenting two talks at this year's conference, one on the Associative Remote Viewing Experiment, which was conducted in partnership with Igor Grigc, with Dr. Patrizio Tressoldi as statistician and advisor. The second is a year long project conducted by the Sublime Remote Viewing Group, a project utilizing dreaming in place of remote viewing as the method of precognition within an Associative Remote Viewing Protocol.
The Parapsychological Association established the Robert L. Morris Student Travel Fund in 2005 after receiving a generous donation from Joanna Morris in a memorial of her late husband, who held the Koestler Chair of Parapsychology from 1985 to 2004. The PA Board of Directors considered how best to use this donation and believed that Bob Morris would have most liked for the funds to be used to encourage student participation in the PA.
Your continued support will extend the life of this fund. If you would like to make a contribution, please visit our Support Page and note the "Student Travel Fund" when sending your donation.