About Me
I am mental health clinician, professor, and researcher. I am a visiting lectuer with Indiana University Northwest and a clinician with a behavioral medicine group practice. My areas of clinical specialization are trauma, co-occurring medical/mental health symptoms, spiritual identity, complementary/integrative medicine, and LGBT health. I am trained in DBT, CBT, Schema Therapy, EMDR and clinical hypnosis.
My doctoral research training included the summer parapsychology research training at the Rhine Research Center and research practicums at NIH-funded Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, and the NIH-fundeded Botanical Research Center at the University of Chicago. My research interests include clinical parapsychology, mediumship, spiritual identity, and mind/body interventions.
I am hybrid of a psi experiencer, clinician, lecturer, and researcher maintaining healthy/neutral boundaries between these four domains/disciplines.