Monday, November 23, 2015 1:29 PM
Recently Donated Materials to the PA Archive
Het Johan Borgman Fonds (HJBF) of The Netherlands has responded to the PA's call for assistance in rebuilding its publications archive This overseas gift will include our much-needed 1980 edition of Research in Parapsychology, some missing issues of the PA News from the 1990's, and other assorted materials from other North American psi research associations.

Efforts are underway to restore and digitize the entire archive of PA Proceedings in anticipation of our upcoming 60th anniversary. We are currently seeking donations of Proceedings from the years 1972 - 1995 and 1997-1998. We are also seeking the 1977 and 1981 - 1993 volumes of Research in Parapsychology, and assorted PA newsletters from years past.
Please contact the PA Office at if you would like to help restore the PA's archive by donating your unneeded/duplicate materials.