Monday, November 18, 2013 12:36 PM
The Parapsychological Association presents the William Braud issue of Mindfield. Issue 5.3 features an unpublished paper by William Braud discussing alternatives to the model of the brain as producer of consciousness.
This number of Mindfield also includes some reflections by the new PA President Jim Carpenter, the Grande Dame of French Parapsychologists, Yvonne Dupplesis, is profiled by Renaud Evrard, Carlos Alvarado introduces the work of Italian psi researcher Ernesto Bozzano, Julia Mossbridge overviews a meta-analysis on presentiment studies, Gerd Hövelmann presents his 13th installment of Articles Relevant to Parapsychology in Journals of Various Fields, and Alejandro Parra reports on a survey of PA members.
Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association is an exclusive PA member publication that features theoretical, research, and historical articles along with regular columns by the PA president, news in the field, bibliographies of articles relevant to the study of parapsychology, and articles about researchers and laboratories around the world. Join now if you would like to support the PA and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. Already a PA member? Log in and visit the Mindfield archive here.