Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:59 PM
Convention Spotlight: "Rational Gravity" and RSPK

Next month in Petaluma, California, Gerhard Mayer, from the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene Freiburg, Germany will deliver his paper entitled “The authority strikes back: considerations about the allegedly fraudulent ‘Chopper’ poltergeist case.” Mayer explores the cultural phenomenon of ‘rational gravity’ in the Chopper case and will detail the reaction of a society as it desperately strives to restore normalcy. The Chopper case began with a 16-year-old female dental assistant, in 1981 who was the target of aggressive, violent and threatening alleged poltergeist activity from a voice calling himself Chopper. This included up to 120 calls a day, physical PK activity, and also involved a death threat. How does a society scramble to restore order after observing and investigating paradigm-shattering phenomena? Mayer describes ‘rational gravity’ as a pulling back to normality by backwards rationalizing. In the Chopper case, which socially suppressive reactions determined verdicts of fraudulence and from which parties involved? How did parapsychologists work inside this case, with the various parties including mass media and local authorities, and maintain their scientific inquiry? What can we learn from this case for future investigations?
Join us at the 61st Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association to learn more about the latest research in parapsychology. This is expected to be a sold out event, so don't delay - register today.