Wednesday, January 9, 2019 6:29 PM
Phone Calls From the Dead with Callum E. Cooper
Callum Cooper, PhD, is a lecturer in psychology at the University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. He is author of Telephone Calls From the Dead. He is coeditor, with Steven Parsons, of Paracoustics: Sound and the Paranormal. And, he is coauthor (with Alex Tanous) of Conversations With Ghosts. His website is
Here he describes how he is continuing the research initiated by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayliss regarding individuals who receive ostensible telephone calls from the departed. He reveals many of the details required for thorough investigation of these cases. He also discusses a variety of alternative explanations. He enumerates several different types of phone calls that are in the database of about 100 such cases.
(Recorded on December 17, 2018)