
Featured Articles

Join the Parapsychological Association

Do you have an active interest in parapsychology? If so, consider joining the Parapsychological Association (PA). Membership in the PA supports the scientific study of psi (or ‘psychic’) experiences and provides access to unique resources for ... More
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Displaying 46 - 60 of 189 articles

In Memoriam: Erlendur Haraldsson (1931–2020)

Peter Mulacz remembers our dear colleague Erlendur Haraldsson and his contributions to the field of parapsychology. Reprinted from Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association, Volume 12, Issue 3. More

Abstracts: Advances in Mediumship Research

Last Updated: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Download the Abstracts  from the PA server. More

Online Symposium: Advances in Mediumship Research

Last Updated: Monday, February 1, 2021
Join us on Saturday, February 27, 2021 (12:30-6:30pm EST) in an online symposium chaired by PA Board Director Helané Wahbeh at The PA community will explore various topics relating to mediumship and channeling research, including ... More

2020 Outstanding Career Award: Etzel Cardeña

Last Updated: Thursday, November 25, 2021
Congratulations to Etzel Cardeña, who has been selected to receive the PA's 2020 Outstanding Career Award. This award goes to a PA professional or associate member to recognize sustained research or service contributions that have advanced the ... More

2020 Charles Honorton Integrative Contributions Award Winner: Harvey J. Irwin

The winner of the Parapsychological Association's 2020 Charles Honorton Integrative Contributions Award is Harvey J. Irwin . This annual award honors a PA member who has made significant research contributions that integrate parapsychology and ... More

2020 Schmeidler Outstanding Student Award Winner - Pascal Michael

The winner of this year's Schmeidler Outstanding Student Award is Pascal Michael. This annual award goes to a student who excels academically and makes early contributions to the field through conference presentations, research or involvement in one ... More

2020 Outstanding Contribution Award: Jeffrey J. Kripal

Last Updated: Monday, December 21, 2020
The winner of the 2020 PA Outstanding Contribution Award is Jeffrey J. Kripal . This yearly award is given to a PA Professional or Associate Member who has made an outstanding research or service contribution that has advanced the discipline of ... More

Call for Abstracts: Advances in Mediumship Research

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Research Abstracts for oral presentations are now being accepted for consideration by Program Chair Helané Wahbeh. More

Ecology, Nature and Parapsychology: Abstracts of Presented Papers

Last Updated: Monday, April 5, 2021
Ecology, Nature and Parapsychology: Abstracts of Presented Papers by The Parapsychological Association on Scribd More

Save the Dates: Upcoming PA Symposia

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Introducing a new quarterly series of online symposia on various parapsychological topics More

2020 PARE Awardee

The PA funds a naturalistic experimental field pilot study testing the reported ability of Huichol Shamans to manipulate local weather systems in Northern Mexico. More

Call for Mindfield Submissions: Diversity in Parapsychology

The editors of Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association  are inviting submissions for an upcoming issue on  Diversity in Parapsychology . The PA is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars, but ... More

2020 SSE/PA Convention Postponed

Dear PA Members, As many of you may have seen coming, the upcoming SSE/PA joint convention in Durham has been postponed. There are too many unknown factors that could compromise the quality of this meeting. The safety of our attendees, speakers, ... More

Mindfield 11.3

Last Updated: Saturday, March 13, 2021
In this issue of Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association , we "Meet the Next Generation" of researchers of parapsychological topics, observe their journeys inside parapsychology, learn what attracted such great researchers, ... More

New Meetings Website & Call for Papers Launched

With the help webmaster Jeremy Parnell, the PA has launched a new meeting website using Open Conference Systems software at, and issued a 2020 Call for Papers. More
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