About Me
I am the Vice President of Consciousness Research and Training Project, Inc. (CRTP) that continues LeShan’s research in healing and altered states of consciousness. I co-lead 5-day residential trainings in psychic healing and meditation based on the research, development, and methodology of Lawrence LeShan. PhD where shifting consciousness between metaphysical realities allows analous healing and all of psi to become possible.
Stanley Krippner and I coauthored, Exploring Realities: Honoring Lawrence LeShan on his 100th Birthday, for the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2020, Vol. 52 Issue 2, which was reprinted in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Oct 2021, Vol. 85 Issue 4. We coedited Healing Stories: The Use of Narrative in Counseling, and Psychotherapy and Healing Tales: The Narrative Arts in Spiritual Traditions. We also co-authored, The Indigenous Healing Tradition in Calabria, Italy with Ashwin Budden, & Roberto Gallante, which was published in Neuroquantology: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. From 1969 to the early ’70’s I was a research assistant to Drs. Krippner, Montague Ullman, and Charles Honorton at the Dream Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. I have a BFA and a MPS in Art Therapy, both from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.
For over 45 years I have worked as an art therapist and a behavioral health administrator at Bellevue Hospital Center and Elmhurst General Hospital in New York, and Northeast Community Center for Behavioral Health in Philadelphia.