About Me
I began my academic and professional life as an economist, but subsequently followed a conversion path into psychology, fuelled by a strong desire to conduct parapsychological research. Whilst still an undergraduate student, I attended the 2005 Parapsychology Summer Study Program at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This experience proved to be vital in convincing Prof Richard Wiseman to make a special exception by supervising my master’s degree research project at the University of Hertfordshire. This project involved an extra-sensory perception task using a majority voting paradigm. I subsequently moved to the University of Northampton to undertake a doctoral research programme at the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, supervised by Prof Chris Roe and Dr Simon Sherwood. I was awarded my PhD in 2013 after completing four progressive experimental studies with the aim of testing various elements of Rex Stanford’s Psi-mediated Instrumental Response theory. During my time at Northampton, I also worked on a number of collaborative research projects concerning psychokinesis, remote viewing and a test of Sheldrake’s theory of Morphic Resonance using recognition for Chinese symbols. Having won two university-wide competitive scholarships, I was able to fund my way to attending the 53rd Annual Parapsychological Association Convention in France and the 54th Annual Parapsychological Association Convention in Brazil in order to present the results of my studies. My effort to share my findings with the parapsychological community received recognition when I was awarded the 2013 Schmeidler Outstanding Student Award.
Since completing my PhD, I have held two lectureships in Chinese universities as well as three academic positions in British higher education institutions, where I have played a pivotal role in developing effective transnational educational partnerships. I have also published over 30 peer-reviewed academic journal articles across parapsychology, neuroscience, cognitive and social psychology. I returned to the University of Northampton in 2017, where I served as a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Subject Leader in Psychology and was also appointed to lead the Exceptional Experience and Consciousness Studies research group. I was appointed as Head of Psychology and Sociology in 2020, before taking up a new role as Professor and Head of Psychology at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia in 2023. Whilst in China, I was active in developing a network of associates interested in parapsychological research across Asia and I continue to serve the PA as a National Liaison for China and Malaysia.