SSE-PA Connections 2021
July 23 – 31, 2021
The challenge of gathering for professional meetings during a pandemic is an opportunity for innovative thinking. The Program Committee for this year's combined SSE and PA meeting invites all members of the Parapsychological Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration to join us in creating a unique online experience using digital meeting technologies to provide a forum for the exchange of information and further collaboration.
The theme for this meeting is Connections. Recent changes in modern society have brought innovations to the interactions in our social lives, work environments, and research activities. We have expanded our ways of connecting with the world through our search for extended perceptions and anomalous interactions with matter including prayer. Phenomena and practices like remote viewing, mediumship, extrasensory perception, and psychokinesis provide avenues to send information and healing thoughts across the miles and to explore our environment for further evidence of our connections with the universe.
Despite this period of lockdowns and limited travel, we can gather from the US, Europe and Asia, from the South Pacific and Siberia, from all around the world. That's the recipe for the unique experience of SSE-PA Connections 2021.
Spread out over several days, this gathering will explore alternatives to a marathon online session, with multiple short sessions over a period of 10 days. With a focus on the international nature of our societies, sessions will be hosted by different coordinators in different time zones.
As is the case in our live meetings, this convention will include time for discussion, networking, and collaboration. Social spaces will give members a chance to have free discussions as well as targeted discussions on topics related to speaker presentations.
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