Tuesday, June 1, 2021   10:32 AM

Call for Papers



The Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition (JAEX) provides a forum for the rigorous, multidisciplinary study of anomalous experience and cognition. Anomalous experience is a term that includes unusual but not necessarily pathological experiences, such as mystical experiences, out-of-body experiences, and others. They can be spontaneous or induced and have life-changing effects. Anomalous cognition refers to research evaluating whether organisms are affected by spatially or temporally distant stimuli, unmediated by the senses or reason (aka “ESP”), and whether intentions directly affect physical systems (aka “PK”), including attitudes, beliefs, and other variables related to such claims.

Niche journals cover some of these areas but there is no journal in which scholars can get a sense of the links across them or their implications. JAEX does not take an a-priori stance for or against anomalous cognition and welcomes quality papers regardless of the authors’ stance. Contributions from any related discipline, including the humanities, are welcome.

JAEX welcomes submission of the following types of papers:
a) Research, whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed, presenting original data, replication of studies, and re-analyses of collected data. This category includes experiments and correlational studies, as well as systematic single or multiple case studies, field research, historical analyses, and other forms of systematic inquiry.
b) Registered reports, in which authors send a full study design for peer review before collecting data (see https://www.cos.io/initiatives/registered-reports).
c) Theoretical, including implications of the theory and fit to the extant data.
d) Methodological/analytical new proposals.
e) Invited summaries of important new books or reviews of a topic.
f) Invited debates on contentious issues.
g) Invited book reviews.
h) Letters to the editor about current issues or papers recently published in JAEX.


1) Supported by the Open Journals publishing infrastructure at Lund University, a top-100 in the world university (https://journals.lub.lu.se/index).
2) Fully open-access, all papers will be freely and universally accessible online.
3) No charge for article submission or processing.
4) Authors hold copyright to their papers.
5) Up-to-date scientific publication standards.
6) Use of DOIs and indexing in google scholar, crossref, and others.
7) A distinguished, multidisciplinary, international Editorial Board.
8) The option of publishing supplementary data and media files.

More information about the journal at https://journals.lub.lu.se/jaex/about, and about paper criteria and formatting at https://journals.lub.lu.se/jaex/about/submissions, where you can also register and submit your paper. Any questions or problems contact the Editor-in-Chief, Etzel Cardeña, Ph. D., Thorsen Professor in Psychology, at etzel.cardena@psy.lu.se

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