Call for Mindfield Submissions: Diversity in Parapsychology
Published by
Parapsychological Association
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The editors of Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association are inviting submissions for an upcoming issue on Diversity in Parapsychology.
The PA is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars, but its membership largely resides in North America and Europe. How might unconscious biases, perhaps fueled by a dominant “Western” perspective, limit our scientific understanding of psi? How can the field further support diversity, gender/racial equality, and those with disabilities? If you find that your perspective should be better known, this is your opportunity. Please send your submission of 850 - 2350 words to no later than September 1, 2020.
The Mindfield Bulletin is a publication of the Parapsychological Association, featuring theoretical, research, and historical articles along with columns by the PA President, news in the field, bibliographies of articles relevant to the study of parapsychology, and articles about researchers and laboratories around the world. Mindfield welcomes submissions that are layfriendly and written in plain language, yet are well-referenced, thus appealing to scholars, scientists, and supporters of our field alike.
See the full call for submissions at