The use of clairvoyance was behind the discovery of the Edgar Chapel in the Abbey of Glastonbury. As Bligh Bond recounts in his book The Gate of Remembrance, there was no mention in any document of the exact location of this chapel, nor of its size. Over the course of several sessions of automatic writing, Bond obtained precise guidelines as to its location. The following year, 1908, work was begun, leading to the excavation of the chapel- most of the "channeled" instructions were exactly correct.
A number of archaeologists have used psychics in their digs, with considerable success. Dr. Norman Emerson of the Univ. of Toronto, for example, reported systematically being assisted by a businessman named George McMullen, who had a sharp talent for locating ruins and reconstructing their associated history. Following the path laid by such "psychic archaeologists", Stephan Schwartz, founder of the "Mobius Group", launched the Alexandria Project.
Its objective was to locate nothing less than the ruins of the famous Library of Alexandria, and the tomb of Alexander the Great, also presumed to be in Alexandria (which he had himself designed and founded). In the early phases of the project, eleven mediums in the U.S. were put to work on maps, and an analysis was made of all the places they found. Their "map dowsing" converged upon three sites. Accompanied by two of the psychics and a team for research and filming, Schwartz left for an onsite investigation in Egypt. The psychics were Hella Hammid, distinguished for her remote viewing at SRI, and George McMullen, who had earned quite a reputation working with archaeologist Emerson. Once onsite the psychics led the search like bloodhounds, practically overwhelming the team with all the information they were providing.
While still in the U.S., the late Hella Hammid had already described a landmark which would determine where to excavate for the library. Now that she was in Alexandria - a city she had never visited - she literally guided the car directly to that site. The landmark was found as envisioned. She had described "A narrowing street or alley with high walls on each side... support beams crumbled... Large... Wood... an underground sewer or canal with daylight at the end." On her drawing, she had also put a column on the left. Everything was there, exactly as she had envisioned: the narrowing passage, the crumbled wooden beams, the column on the left.
As for George McMullen, he psychically located an ancient Byzantine ruin on unexcavated terrain outside the limits of the digs of ancient Marea, and showed the placement of walls on the ground. He also spoke of mosaics, cornices, steam baths, and gave other details on materials and depth. Hella, led blindfolded to this area after George's departure, found the same place and described the' layout of a corner, a broken, round column isolated in the middle, small wall tiles, and got an image of steam baths or a pool. Digs were undertaken during the following days and weeks at this desert site, leading to the excavation of the exact outlines, with the walls placed as indicated.
It's worth noting that the presence of Byzantine ruins was considered highly improbable in this context; nevertheless it was confirmed by drawings of red crosses in known Byzantine style.
Both the cornices and the round column, broken and isolated, were found. The small tiles (round, rather than square) though indeed belonging to the baths, were found further away. In fact, George had predicted the general layout of the baths, and subsequent digs uncovered them.
Although this first mission failed to excavate the originally intended sites, it nevertheless demonstrated the soundness of the method: significant archaeological discoveries were achieved while working with talented psychics.