What is not parapsychology?
Published by
Parapsychological Association
Friday, February 11, 2011
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 24, 2015
In spite of what the media often imply, parapsychology is not the study of "anything paranormal" or bizarre. Nor is parapsychology concerned with astrology, UFOs, searching for Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, paganism, Satanism, vampires, alchemy, or witchcraft.
Many scientists have viewed parapsychology with great suspicion because the term has come to be associated with a huge variety of mysterious phenomena, fringe topics, and pseudoscience. Parapsychology is also often linked, again inappropriately, with a broad range of "psychic" entertainers, magicians, and so-called "paranormal investigators" or "paranormalists." In addition, some self-proclaimed "psychic practitioners" call themselves parapsychologists, but that is not what we do.
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