The winner of this year's Schmeidler Outstanding Student Award is PA Student Member Glenn A. Hitchman. This annual award goes to a student who excels academically and makes early contributions to the field through conference presentations, research or involvement in one or more of the organizations of the field, and/or who has overcome practical difficulties to study parapsychology.

Glenn began his academic and professional life as an economist, but subsequently followed a conversion path into psychology in order to pursue a strong desire to conduct parapsychological research. During his master’s degree course, he carried out an extra-sensory perception study using a majority voting paradigm under the supervision of Prof Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire. He subsequently moved to the University of Northampton to undertake a doctoral research programme, supervised by Prof Chris Roe and Dr Simon Sherwood. He was recently awarded his PhD after completing four progressive experimental studies with the aim of testing various elements of Stanford’s Psi-mediated Instrumental Response theory. During his time at Northampton, Glenn also worked on collaborative research projects concerning psychokinesis, remote viewing and a test of Sheldrake’s theory of Morphic Resonance using recognition for Chinese symbols.

Glenn is currently based in the Southwest of the People’s Republic of China where he recently accepted a role as a Lecturer in Psychology at Southwest University, Chongqing. He is looking forward to continuing to pursue his research interests in this new role as he develops his network of associates in Asia.

More information about the PA's annual awards can be found at: