The Psi Agora is an online space opened on the 5th of each month (11 am ET) for members of the Parapsychological Association to gather for conversation around a selection of "table" topics. The objective is to replicate, in a virtual platform, some of the social dynamics that happen at conventions or other consciousness-related gatherings, which have helped to nourish innovation and develop international projects. Furthermore, it's an excellent opportunity to learn about what's being researched by your colleagues!

Our confirmed line-up of Table Hosts will facilitate discussion on various topics at their tables:

  • Nina Carrubba - What a Remarkable Coincidence! Synchronicities and Other Mind-Matter Interactions
  • Aritzai Aldrete - How Do Emotions and Psi Interact?


Tables hold a maximum of 15 people per topic, so arrive early! Additional tables will also be available for general discussion. If you would like to host a table on a particular topic at this or a future meeting, please contact Ramsés D'León. For this project to become a platform for innovation and discovery, your participation and feedback is needed, so don't hesitate to reach out to us! The agora will remain open for at least two hours, or until the last conversation has ended. The event is free for PA members.