About Me
I'm a long term PA guy. I started professional work in the field in 1980 when I moved to Princeton from Vermont, to join the PEAR lab which was just gearing up. I coordinated research there for the next 22 years, developing a number of mind-machine experiments. Many of these used random event generators and asked people to make the system produce more high or more low numbers. In the early '90s I finally began using long-imagined, continuous running REGs (RNGs) which allowed a variety of new experiments. Most prominent of those were Field REG applications, to see whether we could register effects of group consciousness. Then, in the late '90s this grew to have a global reach in the EGG Project, formally called the Global Consciousness Project. I retired from PEAR in 2002, but continue to run the GCP. Naturally I continue my engagement with the Parapsychological Association, where I currently serve on the Board.
If folks want more information about me, a good place to look is http://noosphere.princeton.edu
I also invite people to take a look at another site I run, which treats skeptic/proponent information regarding psi and psi research. It has a few good bits, and will profit from your good ideas. https://sites.google.com/site/skepticalconcepts/